
但过去事更不想起 李令俞最后青鱼符让杨彪松口见了随彭定西回京两人 严柏年说和这两人口几乎没有出入 彭定西是死于急症死在相州驿 那两人今想起来还是觉得恍然如梦 李令俞问“当时跟着彭将军除了你们几个还有其他人吗?” “那裴承楷当年还年少身边跟着裴家老人两个练家据说是裴家老爷给护卫” 李令俞挑眉问“那两个护卫一直跟着他吗?还是突然跟在他身边?” 这没人知道也没人注意过毕竟不打眼人没人会特别注意 李令俞记了 当年彭定西回京就有蹊跷他收到那封盖着豫章太私印信到底是谁送给他? 等午后已经问得差不多了她才说“今日事到此止各位并州立功劳我会如实报给圣人九边镇始终是一体不会有谁被单独出来将来也是” 她这话说很显想醒杨彪最好别轻举妄动 她不管他有什么心思但是最好收起来 Yang Biao finally said, "I’m Li’s adult." Li Lingyu just smiled.…

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After the skeleton absorbed the clouds of black ink, an oil-green soul flame suddenly ignited inside the huge skull. At the same time, those skeletons quickly became bigger and taller, but in the blink of an eye, those skeletons were already more than 30 meters high and stood there, giving people a psychological sense of oppression.

"Oh, my God, it’s the undead army again." The soldiers who didn’t know the details saw these skeletons released by Rheinhas and cried their panic.…

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